Theta Healing
Tap into the power of theta brain waves to facilitate
spontaneous healing. If you are familiar with lingering in those precious moments
between waking and sleeping – that is the theta brain state. Our brain produces
electrical frequencies, which change according to the state we are in. In deep
sleep, our brain produces very slow delta waves, while in another sleep state
and the time between waking and sleeping the brain produces theta waves. During
meditation and deep relaxation, the brain broadcasts alpha waves and when we
are in full activity, focusing on our tasks, beta waves. Our ability to easily
shift from one brain state to another ultimately means mental flexibility and
good functioning capacity in all aspects of life. Children under 13 who exercise their imagination and
creativity spend lots of time in theta state, as do those practicing or
receiving shamanic healing or energy healing, or when losing sense of time
(“zoning out”) on a long distance drive or engaged in a task. This ‘waking
dream’ state (you can still hear/ have a physical awareness) coupled with the
belief/faith in a universal loving power has been the root of countless
spontaneous healings for centuries, but now folks are consciously learning to
apply it to themselves.
If we over-stimulate our brains with caffeine, sugar and stress, we
get locked into the beta brain state.
While this state facilitates intensive learning, it also causes rigidity
in behavior and reduces our ability to heal. Taking some time out for day-dreaming, relaxing the mind in play, listening to music and chants (drumbeats) that move your mind to a deeper state is important to do. The theta brain state accesses the 'body-mind' which is the brain behind out cells - the subconscious. This is where the body stores memory from trauma, past events and cellular impressions from before conception (remember you were also and egg in your mother's body throughout her lifetime). Sometimes our body-mind is still operating under old beliefs, perceptions and understandings that no longer apply to our current state of conscious mind or life. Working in the theta state can allow us to release and reprogram our cellular intelligence. Read more at:,
A Common Question . . .
I have high cholesterol – isn’t the cholesterol in egg yolks
bad for me?
Well, not egg-actly! It turns out that dietary cholesterol
is NOT the primary influence on our blood cholesterol levels. Our cholesterol goes up when we eat
foods rich sugar and saturated and trans fats, especially those that are
processed or low in essential fatty acids. This is especially true if we skip healthy fats like olive
oil, sunflower oil nuts/seeds and healthier monounsaturated fats. Many people still associate eggs with
poor heart health, but research has proven that regular egg-eaters (2 eggs per
day) have normal cholesterol levels.
The yolks of eggs contain vitamin A, D, E, B12, choline, beta carotene
omega 3 and lecithin, whereas the whites contain protein but no additional nutrients,
so best to eat the whole egg.
Lecithin, omega 3 and choline are damaged when the yolk is fully cooked
(hard). Those 3 ingredients are
also what helps the body process and manage cholesterol levels.
Studies have shown that eating, even
two-dozen eggs a week (something I am not advocating) will not influence
cholesterol levels as long as the yolks remain soft. My favorite way to eat cook them is on a bed of greens (nettles, kale, arugula or chard), after the greens have been cooking in the skillet with water and are soft, break the egg open on top and cover. Cook low and slow Please note that free-range chickens produce eggs that have
six times the amount of vitamin D, four times more vitamin E, eight times more
beta carotene and three times more omega 3 fatty acids – chose wisely and
practice moderation! Here's the nutritional analysis of eggs:
And here are some fun facts
My favorite morning eggs:
Place cleaned greens (nettle, chard, kale, spinach, arugula . . .) in skillet with water to cook gently. When they are soft but not fully cooked, break the egg in the middle on top of greens, keeping yolk in tact and cover to cook on low heat. As it is cooking, add crushed garlic to the outside on the greens and any other herbs of choice (oregano, marjoram . . ). When the white cooked but yolk still soft. Remove from skillet and put on plate. Sprinkle with flaxseed, pepper and sea salt and a dash of virgin oil. This is a nice recipe for cooking eggs without oil. Adding the un-cooked oil at the end keeps it highly antioxidant!