Friday, May 31, 2013

Summer Skin
Our days of longest light – what a delight!  Summertime is a time of celebration and a time to feel the sun and fresh air on our skin.  Our largest organ synthesizes vitamin D1, is a barrier to pathogens and can release as much acidic waste as one kidney!  It is also vulnerable to damage by ultraviolet light, which is more intense on the planet at this time, so remember a little exposure of the skin can go a long way.  Here are a few ways to honor your skin during the summer months . .
  1. Dry Brushing – all those dead skin cells that are still clinging to the top layer (epidermis) of skin can be helped off with vigorous short strokes using a natural bristle dry brush.  This accelerates detoxification and stimulates collagen production in the lower layer (dermis).  Try this before stepping into a bath or shower.
  2. Salt or Sugar Scrub – you can buy a ready-made product or make your own (see below).  Massage the salt or sugar-plus-oil mix onto your skin (have a friend do your back) and leave on for 5-10 minutes before rinsing off.  Do not use soap afterwards, so the remaining oil nourishes.  On a hot day, refresh yourself by doing this procedure outside and hosing off!
  3. Cover-up – protect your skin from UV exposure by using a natural sun block (uses zinc oxide or titanium oxide particles that reflect light back) or clothing that covers.  Avoid cancer-causing chemical sunscreen and watch out for the intensified rays when light mirrors off water (swimming, skiing and yes, foggy weather).
  4. Nourish inside and out – eat anti-oxidant-rich foods that naturally protect skin and help with repair from sun-damage (all those summer berries, cherries and greens from the garden!).  Feed your skin topically with pure aloe, jojoba oil, grapeseed oil, comfrey salve, rosehip oil, sea buckthorn oil, rose or lavender hydrosol and essential oils that restore (rose geranium, sweet range, blood orange, lavender and carrot seed). 
Recipe for salt or sugar scrub:
Chose sea/pink/dead sea  salt (more detoxifying and drawing)  or brown sugar (more soothing and softening) and use 1/2-3/4 cup.  Add 1/4-1/2 cup jojoba or almond oil or the amount it takes to make a slop (about consistency of very wet oatmeal), add essential oils of your choice - some examples: lemon, grapefruit and lavender for stimulating, or rose geranium, ylang ylang and carrot seed for repair and mix well.

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Chronic Poison Oak?

The Short Answer . . . .from Karin

I get re-occurring poison oak ever since I had a bad case of it – it may be systemic, how do I keep it from spreading?

Whether it is poison oak or ivy, the oils hunker down into the pores of skin and are easily spread by contact, moisture and heat.  It is possible for certain compounds in the oils to get into the bloodstream (termed ‘systemic’) although the mechanics of this are not well understood.  Treat any contact aggressively by washing well in warm (not hot) water) with a drying soap – Dr. Bronners peppermint soap works well and soothes itch.  Pat dry with a clean towel (all towels exposed to oils must be washed each time).   Make a paste of green or bentonite clay and tincture or tea of manzanita leaf, plantain, sage, oak bark, lemon or apple cider vinegar (or a combination).  Cover all rashes with clay and leave on as long as it stays on.  Do not use any lotions or oils on your body at this time – you want to draw out and dry up any oils in the rash. If you can keep skin exposed throughout the day that helps.  At night rashes can spread easily by unconscious scratching and heat.  Before bed, re-apply clay and cover area with loose, light clothing.  Never use the same clothes twice until rash is gone and do not touch the rash!  Stay out of hot tubs, baths and shower after perspiring exercise.  Once the rash is gone, you can take a sauna (as more oils may come out), but wash off well and do not use any body oils or lotions afterwards.  Monitor for the next few days to be sure rash is gone. Be sure to wash your free-roaming pets – they are a great vector of poison oak!
Homeopathic Rhus tox or Hylands Poison oak/ivy combination taken internally help decrease the tendency of rash to spread systemically and helps treat systemic cases.  Even better, take the homeopathic remedy before you are exposed. Calming teas like lemon balm, catnip, and linden help soothe and reduce the inflammatory response.  To move it out of your system use a combination of detox herbs that target lymph and skin: burdock root and/or seed, violet leaf/flower, red clover flower and yellow dock root.